Well I will be the first to post the first image in the Megaman Fan Art Factory! and to start off I'll add my first of many Megaman Chibi's
Who will it be?
Zero from Megaman X!
This was one of my earlier drawings of chibi works when I started drawing fan art. I saw it really awesome when I finished it in pencil (in my opinion lol).
My thoughts:
On pencil it looked really good (ill probably add a image of it later).The issues cam across when I was coloring on my laptop( I was using Paint.Net....free..not as good as Photoshop..but very good). It had some grainy issues as you see on the pic and maybe in the future I'll work on it again and fix the grainyness. Overall for my first time its not bad.
-Overall design is still under construction and will be on the next coming days ^^
- Authors will begin adding art of their own! keep watch!
-About us site- full description of our site with the next days
-Links and info on the authors to come as well
Heheheheh, this one is pretty cute, Elrey. I've always loved Chibis, but yours has a unique flavor to them... I think it's those empty-balloon arms and those blank white eyes. Zero looks confused here. Maybe he's wondering how he became a Chibi?