Here is something I did for the X9.com site.
In this illustration we see a battle to the death of two great aviator Mavericks, both designs of which are made by Mega Man fans and are part of a contest at X9.com. These valiant fighters are the contest finalists, so I thought it would be fun to show my support for the winning entries by making an art piece for them.
The black and white bird on the bottom of the picture is one of the Doppio Doves, a team of twin Mavericks. I made the initial illustration of them for the contest while my BF ruled out the concept. The combined effort has gotten us far!
The other masterful design is Spindrift Seagull. He looks to fit right in with the X series. I truly think his designer deserves a lot of props for coming up with such a masterpiece. I could tell right away when the contest started that Spindrift was going to make it to the top.
Anyhow, that's it for now. More older stuff coming up next from me.